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Strengths and Weaknesses Affecting the Development of the Carrier Tape Industry

Jun. 30, 2021

The carrier tape industry has a wide range of downstream industries. Due to the rapid development of electronic information science and technology, the carrier tape industry has also experienced ups and downs. Various favorable and unfavorable factors have been encountered in the development process. There are four main advantages. The following Anti-Static Protective Tape Supplier will tell you.

Carrier Tape

Carrier Tape

1. The consumption capacity is increasing. With the sustained and healthy development of China's national economy, the residents' consumption ability is increasing, and the demand for consumer electronic products such as smart phones, smart TVs, IPADs and laptops is increasing. People's pursuit of products from the simple use of function is constantly upgraded, more is the pursuit of product technology content and functional diversity. Consumer electronic products still have a lot of room for development. Therefore, the Carrier Tape industry also faces better development opportunities.

2. National industrial policy support. Electronic information packaging material is an important auxiliary consumables of electronic components industry, and plays an irreplaceable role in the surface mounting of electronic components. In order to support the development of electronic information packaging material industry, the Chinese government has introduced a series of industrial promotion policies.

3. The development prospect of electronic information industry is bright. Under the guidance of the general policy of national transformation of economic development mode, China electronic materials and components industry will usher in the key period of industrial upgrading and historic development opportunities. The cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries and trillions of investment scale provide unprecedented space for innovation and development of electronic materials and components industry. The huge supporting demand brought by emerging industries has brought broader market prospect to the industry.

4. Consumer electronics products are updated rapidly, and the market space is huge. Generally speaking, the update cycle of consumer electronic products is about 3-5 years. With the continuous improvement of LED, smart home appliances, smart phones, digital home technology, the average consumer demand for a new generation of consumer electronics is also increasing, the space for the further development of consumer electronics is still huge.

Although there are many favorable conditions, but also to pay attention to the adverse factors. The current world economic situation is complex and volatile, downward pressure. In addition, China is currently in a period of transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, the domestic situation is also very complex. In particular, the center of gravity of the electronics manufacturing industry is showing signs of shifting to South and Southeast Asia. Bringing manufacturers is not a small challenge. In general, the impact of domestic and international macroeconomic environment brings some uncertainty to the industry.

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